Foreign nationals are allowed to migrate to Australia with the purpose of reuniting with family members. Regardless if the foreigner is the first to arrive in the country and then the family members or if close family members live in Australia and the foreigner wishes to arrive here after a certain amount of time, one can apply for a family reunion visa.
The family reunion visa in Australia can be obtained by foreigners, but certain conditions have to be satisfied. In this article, our immigration lawyer in Australia will present the main aspects foreigners have to comply with; however, if you need further information, you can always call our lawyer or send an inquiry via e-mail.
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What are the main options for obtaining the family reunion visa in Australia?
The legislation that regulates immigration in Australia prescribes a set of visa options for those who want to reunite with family members. The number of visas that can be obtained in this case is rather extensive, but in the list below you can observe the main categories associated with reuniting with family members:
- a foreigner can migrate to Australia for the purpose of reuniting with a partner or a spouse who lives here;
- it is also possible to apply for a visa that grants the right of visiting other family members, besides the spouse or partner, and here we mention grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers or sisters and others;
- the Australian legislation offers the possibility to arrive here for joining with one’s children;
- foreigners are also entitled to arrive here for the purpose of taking care of a family member who is old or sick;
- the children of persons who live in Australia can apply for visas that allow them to stay here with their parents.
The Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa in Australia
One of the ways to obtain the family reunion visa in Australia is by applying for the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa. This visa category is a more recent visa that has been included in the list of family reunification programs available in this country. In the list below, you can find few details regarding this visa type, and if you want to apply for it, our Australia migration lawyer remains at your disposal:
- the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa became available in Australia starting with 17 April 2019, according to the Department of Home Affairs;
- it is known as the Subclass 870 visa and it is open for parents of persons who reside in Australia;
- the applications for the family reunion visa in Australia are open from 1 July to 30 June;
- please mind that the Australian authorities can issue a maximum of 15,000 visas per year;
- this can be used as a way to migrate to Australia for a period of 3 to 5 years.
How can foreigners reunite with their partners and spouses in Australia?
Foreigners who have a partner or a spouse that lives here can, of course, apply for a family reunion visa in Australia. However, the type of visa one can apply for will vary based on numerous factors. Some of the main variables are the following: the place from where the foreigner starts the visa application – in Australia or outside Australia, the duration of the stay – temporary or permanent stay or the civil status of the partner.
Here, there are two main situations: the partner who lives in Australia is an Australian citizen or he or she is a foreigner who has received permanent residency in Australia. Considering that there are numerous visa options based on these factors, we invite you to request in-depth details from our Australia migration lawyer.
Below, you can watch a video on how to obtain a family reunion visa in Australia:
However, in the case in which you apply for the family reunion visa in Australia from outside the country, and if you are interested in permanent residency here, and if your partner or spouse is a foreign national as well, but who has obtained permanent residency in this country, then you will have two visa options, namely the Prospective Marriage Visa and the Partner Visa.
For the second category, foreigners have two options, the visas prescribed by the Subclass 309 and the Subclass 100. Under these visas, one is entitled to apply for both temporary and permanent residency. At first, the foreigner will receive the temporary residency, and while being in Australia, the local authorities will process the file for permanent residency as well.
If you need further information on matters related to immigration to Australia, we invite you to send your inquiries to our lawyer. Our law firm will help you apply for the most suitable visa type and can provide legal advice on any other matters that can be of interest for foreigners, including related to obtaining Australian citizenship.
Australian citizenship can be obtained by conferral or by descent. In most of the cases, foreigners who arrived here under a family reunion visa will qualify for citizenship by conferral.
This refers to the category of foreigners who are not related to Australia in any way and who can become eligible for citizenship once they acquire permanent residency in this country.
Permanent residency requirements can vary in Australia based on the visa type that the foreigner was issued with. Thus, if you want to apply for residency in Australia on a permanent basis, it is necessary to verify the rights granted under that specific visa.
There are more types of family reunion visas with different requirements and therefore, we recommend you to address to our team.